

June 2024 - Congratulations to Minjae for being awarded the NSF SBE Postdoctoral Fellowship! 

May 2024 - We held our third Liulabapalooza to wrap up the end of the lab's first year. Andrew taught us all to fold paper cranes. There was a minor issue with the cake. 

April 2024 - The lab submitted four abstracts to CCN! Also, Di (left) from the Lab for Child Development and Sam (right) held a recruitment table at the Baltimore Brainfest.

March 2024 - Members of the lab and the Lab for Child Development attend CDS! Here is Qiong Cao in action.

February 2024 - A memorable lab meeting, in which many people from the Hopkins community came together to discuss and give feedback on a theoretical paper that Shari and Jo have been working on. You can read the preprint here.

Joseph standing in the new lab space, which features a yellow wall and whiteboard, desks, and a window.

January 2024 - The lab welcomes three new members: Assiya Drissi, Thalia Mason, and Ava Payton. We also moved into our new lab space. Jo was very excited about the sit-stand desks. 


December 2023 - We ended our first semester with our second Labapalooza! Shari had a paper accepted into Imaging Neuroscience, Sam submitted his first preregistration, and the lab started collecting data.

November 2023 - We had a great talk from Miriam, a paper discussion led by Joseph, and ended the month with a joint lab meeting with the Social & Cognitive Origins Group. Lots of pizza was had!

We also submitted this paper (, studying the size and source of looking time effects in studies infant cognition.

October 2023 - Many great lab meetings! We started the month with a presentation from Sholei, then a paper discussion led by Sam, followed by a presentation from Tal. We ended the month with two presentations about past work from Sam and Shari.

September 2023 - The lab received IRB approval to run behavioral studies in babies, children and adults! In lab meeting, we heard presentations by Minjae and Joseph, a paper discussion led by Qiong, and a practice talk from Joseph.

August 2023 - The lab had its first Labapalooza, where lab members present for 10 minutes on something (science-related or not) that they find interesting and want to share. We also had our first lab meeting!

July 2023 - The lab is born! The founding members of the lab are: Minjae Kim, Shari Liu, Sam Maione, and Joseph Outa.

April 2023 - Shari's TEDxMIT talk is now available online! In the talk, she discusses infants' responses to danger, and what happened to developmental psychology when scientists and families (and everyone else) found themselves in a novel dangerous situation.